Anxiety in Dog and Ways to Cure Dog Anxiety

Anxiety is a common problem, it could happen with any creature in this world. Your sweet pet can be also a victim of anxiety. There is no surprise for anxiety in dogs. Dog anxiety can affect all breeds of dogs but may affect each individual dog differently. In the majority of cases, bond in such a way that they represent another family member, the reason why their behavior affects the common welfare directly.

Anxiety in dog, a small brown pup,

Dogs can’t tell you about it, but you should notice it through many signs. You have to keep an eye on signs. Changes in dogs’ behavior represent a serious problem that threatens not only the physical integrity and general well-being of the dog but also that of the people around it.

In this blog, I will tell you about different types of anxiety in dogs, signs, and symptoms of anxiety in dogs, the reason for dog anxiety and in the end, I will tell you tips and some natural remedies for dog anxiety that can cure your dog’s anxiety.

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Anxiety is a common problem in pets. According to a study, approximately 88% of pets showed anxiety-related disorders.

Reason for Dog Anxiety

The dog is a very behavioral and social animal, he needs people. He can’t live alone in the house. Loneliness can be a reason for anxiety in your dog.

Anxiety requires pharmacological treatment; otherwise, it could result in the worsening of the behaviors with which it is associated, and even depression.

There are mainly the following types of anxiety;-

  1. Separation anxiety
  2. Fear related anxiety
  3. Rescue anxiety
  4. Illness induced anxiety
  5. Generalized anxiety

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Separation anxiety in Dogs

This is also defined as a behavioral disorder. It affects around 14 percent of dogs. Dogs with separation anxiety are unable to find comfort when they are left alone or separated from their family members.  It’s a serious condition and one of the main reasons owners get frustrated with their dogs and give them up.  

 It occurs when a dog is left on its own at home or when it is separated from its owners. Separation anxiety may be related to stress signs caused by situations, more frequent in time, such as the dogs being left alone for long time intervals because of the owners’ normal habit, or because of restrictions in the social interactions with other dogs.  Lack of a physical and social environment for the dog causes a state of boredom and frustration, which can become accumulative and generate separation anxiety.  

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playful brown pup

Fear related anxiety or Dog Thunder Anxiety

Sometimes, your dog expresses fear to go outside with specific persons or specific locations during specific instances.  It happens at the same frequency both in males and females. Insufficient socialization (lack of contact with people during the sensible period, between 3 and 12 weeks of age) and inconvenient punishment or traumatic experiences are frequent causes of fear aggressiveness.

It can be caused by loud noises, strange people or animals, certain things like hats or umbrellas, new or strange environments, specific situations like the vet’s office or car rides, or surfaces like grass or wood floors.

One common example of this is dog thunder anxiety or dog storm anxiety. Dogs as an animal are really good at a few things, like hearing and a strong sense of smell. This is the reason that dogs are used in bomb squads or search squads. These dogs are really easy to train and can be used for this purpose because of their great hearing and smell sense.

But this sense of hearing and smell becomes a problem for them during thunderstorms or storms. We know before a storm we can smell and change in aroma in the air. Dogs can detect this thing way before humans. During thunder strikes, as dogs can hear better than use, that loud noise is way louder for dogs. This is a major reason why dogs get anxious in thunder strikes.

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Rescue anxiety in Dog

If pets got a new home, then they memorize the past shelter experiences. It can make them anxious because they dealt with an unpredictable routine or environment. They may also have experienced a traumatic event before they were taken into the shelter.

Not just that dogs are really emotional pets and when they leave an owner and get to a new they might still have an emotional connection with their previous owner.

If you find a dog in a poor place like a drain or a scrapyard, then you can see clear signs of rescue anxiety in this pet. The reason for this rescue anxiety is that the pet does not trust you yet. Because of bad previous experiences, it will take time for him to trust you and adapt to this new lifestyle.

Illness induced dog anxiety

Anxiety can be a symptom of other medical issues.  This type of anxiety usually comes on suddenly in a dog that was not normally anxious.

There are some following causes of illness-induced anxiety;-

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Loss of vision
  • Loss of hearing
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Encephalitis
  • Diabetes

Generalized anxiety in dogs

In generalized anxiety, the animal shows a constant reactivity, alertness, exploration, and great motor activity that interferes with a normal social interaction. When the environment lacks stimuli, or they are few, the described signs appear very frequently, without the need of the existence of a triggering stimulus.

There are the following dog breeds that have more chances of getting generalized anxiety;-

  • Greyhounds
  • Short hair Pointer
  • German shepherd
  • Australian shepherd
  • Vizsla
  • Border Collie
  • Bichon Frisé
  • King Charles Spaniel

Symptoms of Dog anxiety

There are the following symptoms of anxiety;-

  • Restlessness
  • Inappropriate defecation
  • Urination
  • Hyper-salivation
  • Vomiting
  • Anorexia
  • Acral dermatitis (due to licking)
  • Whining
  • Howling
  • Barking
  • Yawning
  • Drooling
  • Licking
  • Dilation in the pupil
  • Ears are pinned back against the head.
  • Change in body posture
  • Panting
  • Avoidance behaviour
  • Shedding

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Natural Remedies for Dog Anxiety

Most dogs have to take these drugs for several weeks before there’s a chance. But that doesn’t mean the treatment stops after that. Some dogs can eventually stop taking them, but others need life-long treatment.

The most common reasons for anxiety in a dog are abandonment, fear of being home alone, loud noises, traveling, and/or being around strange people, children, or other pets. We’ve also seen the anxiety in dogs that have been abused or neglected.

There are plenty of other ways to calm your pet. Here are the following ways to calm down your pet;-

Play music to treat dog anxiety

Music is the best way to soothe your mind and body. Like humans, dogs also like music. According to reports, the right music could be effective in decreasing signs of anxiety in dogs. The power of music can be calming and relaxing while you’re home, in the car, or away from your pet. Music can also alleviate noise sensitivity by blocking the street or scary noises that bothersome dogs and create anxiety.

According to studies, music is the best medicine for stress and other mental disorders. Playing your pet’s favorite music at a low volume can soothe and calm down your pet. Research has shown that many dogs prefer classical music. Classical music is calming music for dogs.

Calm touch for dog anxiety

If your dog continually running around the room, place your palm on the side of their body (close to their front legs or ribs). Look down and touch the floor, this will encourage your dog to come closer, then place your palm on their sides with ease.

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Taking dog outside to calm down dog anxiety

Exercise to calm down a dog

If you are busy with your daily schedule, then you aren’t taking your dog for the regular walks, this can cause your pet anxiety. That can be eliminated by simply taking your dog outside to stretch his legs and get some fresh air. Sometimes, the best home restarts at the neck and works downward with long strokes. Try to keep one hand on the dog, while the other works to massage. Long as it involves activities that are easier on their aging joints.

Massaging for Anxious Dog

Massage will relax and calm even the most anxious human, did you know it also works with dogs? Massage therapy for dogs is one way to alleviate tension. Physical touch is thought to ease anxiety and aggression in dogs. Start at the neck and work downward with long strokes. Try to keep one hand on the dog, while the other works to massage.

Calming clothes or Anxiety wraps for dog

It’s recommended for dogs with any type of anxiety induced by travel, separation, noise, or stranger anxiety.

Depending on the size of your dog, there are several brands and models to choose from. These clothes work by applying gentle, continuous pressure, which is thought to help reduce fear.

CBD oil for dog Anxiety

CBD oil is great for many mental disorders. It helps with pain management, seizures, and even cancer.  The body has cannabinoid receptors throughout the central nervous system. Your dog’s body releases endocannabinoid chemicals on its own. These connect with the receptors that stimulate her natural ability to create serotonin. Serotonin is a natural mood stabilizer.

Research shows that CBD increases this ability. It interacts with the nervous system to soothe and calm your dog’s anxiety.

Essential oil for Body Anxiety

Essential oil like lavender, chamomile, etc. is good for relaxing the body.

Chamomile for anxiety in dogs

Chamomile is a powerful sedative, so before bed giving chamomile oil to your dog can help the dog to take a better sleep.

Why is my dog’s gut linked to his separation anxiety?

This is a very common behavior, and it can be found in humans as well. Many of us show a change in eating, sleeping, or health patterns when we are going through an anxious phase of life. Similarly, when dogs face separation anxiety there is a change in their eating, sleeping, and other health-related patterns which might be linked to the bad gut of your dog.

Can a dog cause aggressive behavior or anxiety to the owner?

Dogs are the best emotional support animals in the USA. A dog can feel your emotions and will try to calm you down. Dogs are mostly playful and outgoing. They cannot cause stress or anxiety to the owner. Actually, they are stress relievers. But if you have a habit of staying home and your behavior is a bit introverted. We recommend you not to have a golden retriever or husky or a military dog or a small dog. Because they are very playful and always excited to go out. Instead, try a dog that is not so social so that they do not go out a lot, and you do not have to maintain them a lot.

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