Insomnia? Try these steps to sleep peacefully.

Insomnia? Try these steps to sleep peacefully.

Sleep Like a Baby


Avoid Caffeine Before Sleep


Caffeine is used to keep yourself awake and focused. If you take caffeine before sleep, your brain will be focused while you will be trying to sleep. Avoid Caffeine.

Follow a sleeping routine


Following a sleeping routine helps your brain to trigger hormones that give your body a sensation of need of rest. Insomnia can be prevented from this hack.

Drink Lukewarm Milk


Drinking Lukewarm Milk before sleep helps your body to relax. You will feel a need to sleep after that. You can also add a teaspoon of honey in it.

Keep Gadgets Away


While sleeping, keep all the electronic gadgets like mobile phone, smartwatch, music player away from your head. The electro-waves from these gadgets disturbs your neurons.