Pet Odor Eliminator | Pet Odor Removal at Home

Pets are the best companion for humans. Everyone likes pets, and pets also treat humans like their families. But your pet might stink, and this can happen due to various reasons. Your pet might need a bath, or your pet might have a skin disorder. The reason for pet odor can be getting in touch with other animals like skunks, or they might have a bad pet odor of their own. A Pet odor eliminator can help you to get rid of pet odor.

How to Remove Pet Odor?

Pet odor is a big issue and there are several companies selling products for thousands of dollars for pet odor removal. We do not encourage the use of harsh chemicals on your pet. Instead, taking a natural approach with zero side effects is more suitable for your fur babies. You can use natural substances lime neem to wash your pet’s fur to kill all the germs. You can also use apple cider vinegar and lemon as a pet odor remover. These remedies for pet odor are highly effective and really safe.

Pets with Humans

Pets and humans have a very ancient relationship. This relationship has been present since the paleolithic age. Some humans love their pets and feel happy to see their owners happy.

pet living with humans

In Ancient Egypt, dogs and baboons were kept as pets and buried with their owners. Dogs were given names, which is significant as Egyptians considered names to have magical properties.

Walking a dog can provide both the human and the dog with exercise, fresh air, and social interaction. Pets can give companionship to people who are living alone or elderly adults who do not have adequate social interaction with other people. A medically approved class of therapy animals, mostly dogs or cats, that are brought to visit confined humans, such as children in hospitals or elders in nursing homes.

People care about their pets so much, so having body odor in pets can be a stressful situation, although dogs, as with all mammals, have natural odors. Natural dog odor can be unpleasant to dog owners, especially when dogs are kept inside the home, as some people are not used to being exposed to the natural odor of a non-human species living in proximity to them. Dogs may also develop unnatural odors as a result of skin disease or other disorders or may become contaminated with odors from other sources in their environment.

 It is not normal to have body odor. Body odor in pets is a sign of a severe skin infection.

Causes of body odor in pets

Have you ever heard someone say that something “smells like a wet dog”? Poor dogs… they get blamed for any bad odor, don’t they? Truth is, your dog shouldn’t smell bad! Sure, some of his “parts” aren’t going to smell like roses, but overall, a bad smell is generally a problem.

best pet odor eliminator

There can be the following reasons that can be responsible for bad body odor in pets;-

Malfunctioning of visceral organs

Some diseases that affect the internal organs of a dog can result in bad breath. Both kidney failure and diabetes can give your dog unusual bad breath.

These diseases often also cause your pet to feel unwell, eat less, and be less active. If these issues are noticed, contact your veterinarian right away.


Your pup may be super sweet, but her breath should never smell that way. Similar to humans, noticeably sweet-smelling breath can be a sign of diabetes. One in four dogs develops this condition caused by an insulin deficiency.

It can occur for a number of reasons, ranging from genetics to pancreatic disease to a congenital disorder. While dogs of all ages and breeds can develop diabetes, it’s particularly common in those ages 6 and up, and beagles, terriers, and Samoyed are among the most susceptible breeds.

In addition to a sweet or sugary smell on your dog’s breath, other telltale signs include increased thirst and urination. Your veterinarian will need to run a test to diagnose diabetes, and should your dog be diagnosed, this non-curable condition will need to be managed with medication.

Urinary tract infection

If your pup smells like urine, he could have a urinary tract infection. Though the scent of a UTI can be different for each dog, it’s generally a very pronounced odor that’s notably different from their normal urine scent. Some describe it as musky, others say it’s a rancid or garbage smell, and still, others say it’s a “rotten fish” smell. Other symptoms include increased thirst and urination, peeing in the house, bloody or cloudy urine, whimpering during urination, and genital licking.

Oh, your poor dog… it’s more common than you would think, and oh, it is so miserable. If it is a bladder/urinary tract infection, you will notice other signs like an increased frequency to “go outside”, more trips to the water bowl, or straining or pain when urinating. You may see blood in his urine. Regardless, any abnormal urine odor needs to be discussed with your vet. There are other reasons for a strong urine smell, like kidney stones, diabetes, or maybe even some type of fungal infection, all requiring immediate medical attention.

Kidney failure

Dogs that are in kidney failure often have the odor of urine on their breath.

Their kidneys cannot effectively remove waste products from the blood. Kidney failure has a number of causes in dogs, including infectious diseases such as leptospirosis, cancer, and hereditary problems that result in declining kidney function over time. Any dog with suspected kidney failure needs prompt medical attention in order to determine and treat the underlying cause.


Flatulence is a common problem in dogs and if yours can clear the room after passing gas, it is often an intolerance to an ingredient in their food. Working with your veterinarian to change to a different diet, whether that be grain-free or fish-based, can often help the problem. However, excessive wind can sometimes signal an underlying medical issue, so if the air around your pet remains whiffy, continue to consult your veterinarian until the problem is resolved.

Some dogs are famous for their gas issues… pugs, bulldogs, and boxers. That’s due to the way their faces are structured…those adorable squished-up noses cause them to suck in air while they’re eating, leading to too much air in their digestive system. There are tricks to helping these little guys consume less air… like maybe raising their bowl, or giving them probiotics. Talk to your vet about possible solutions.

 Occasional burping, gurgling, and flatulence are normal, but excessive gas could indicate a problem. A foul, putrid smell is not normal either. When gas is daily and consistent, it could be a sign that something is wrong, and you should bring it up with your vet. The solution may be something as simple as a change in food or as serious as the treatment of inflammatory bowel.


It is a type of skin disorder. It causes a strong musty odor. It can occur in dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds, but it’s more common in overweight canines or breeds with rolls of skin, such as pugs, English bulldogs, sharpies, and mastiffs. Infection happens when bacteria, which exist naturally on dogs’ bodies, overgrow within the warm, moist environment between skin folds.

The smell is pungent, and the infection itself can cause itching and pain for your pup. If you notice this issue, you should see your vet right away.

Ear infection

Dogs can definitely get yeast infections, and the most commonly occur in the ear canals. They can also range in the spaces between their toes and inside folds of skin. Dogs that routinely get yeast infections almost always have allergies to food or inhaled substances.

So, how do you know if your dog has a yeast infection?

You’ll likely smell, well, a yeasty smell

 or something similar to old, spilled beer.  

Anal gland infection

This is one of the most common causes of stinky dogs. All our canine companions have two small scent sacs on their bottom, they are a type of marking gland, which is why dogs smell rear ends when meeting. If they become impacted, it can cause pain for the dog and an extremely smelly secretion is released and remains on the fur. Another sign your dog has problems with his anal glands is dragging his bottom on the ground, or “scooting.” Make an appointment with your veterinarian to help with this issue.

Dental infection

The number one cause of bad breath in dogs, just like people, is the build-up of plaque and tartar on their teeth. Some small breeds are especially prone to dental problems like gum disease. Another problem specific to certain breeds is Gingival Hyperplasia, the overgrowth of the gums that can harbor small bits of food and produce a rotten smell. Keeping your dog’s teeth clean at home is the first step in solving this problem, but ultimately your pet may need a dental cleaning from a veterinary professional.

Things not to do for pet odor removal

There are many following things that are on a daily routine list, but you should not do if your pet is smelling;-

Don’t use mentioned home remedies that involve

  • Borax
  • Hydrogen peroxide (especially inside dogs’ ears)
  • Vinegar (inside their body)
  • Bleach
  • Coal tar

Don’t do mentioned things;-

  • Don’t use a spray to hide body smell
  • Don’t wear tight clothes
  • Don’t use normal soap
  • Don’t use normal shampoo
  • Don’t use normal water

Tips to prevent bad smell in pet

There are the following tips that should be followed to prevent the bad smell in a pet’s body;-

  • Get Your Dogs Bathed Often
  • Sweep & Vacuum Every Other Day
  • Mop Floors Once a Week
  • Use Two Couch Cushions to Switch Out While Washing
  • Wash Dog Beds Once a Week
  • Leave Carpet Powders in for at Least 10 Hours
  • Open the House When Possible
  • Feed Your Dog Healthy Foods
  • Use medicated shampoo
  • Use dentist recommended toothpaste
  • Use medicated soap
  • Reduce food intake, especially foods high in sugar, carbohydrates, and saturated fat
  • Use probiotics
pet odor eliminator

Home remedies for smelling a pet’s body

There are not many home remedies for pet odor eliminators, because pets have different physiology. However, I am discussing some effective home remedies that can be useful for your pet;-

Tomato juice

Traditional home treatment is to apply a can of tomato juice and let it stand for 15 minutes or longer before washing it out. It is proven to get rid of the stubborn smell.

Apple cider vinegar for pet odor

Apple cider vinegar has chemicals that can be effective to get away from the bad smell.

Take 1/1 blend of organic apple cider vinegar and sterile water. High-quality essential oils may also be blended into a cleansing solution, with the most commonly used being lavender, aloe vera, citrus bergamia, grapefruit seed extract, and chamomile.

Essential oils on pets

A blend of spicy essential oils to the dog’s food, such as 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil or coconut oil mixed with 3 drops each of the essential oils of caraway, cardamom, cinnamon leaf, nutmeg, and tangerine.

Green herbs for bad smell

Green herbs such as wheatgrass or parsley contain chlorophyll, which helps deodorize breath and skin from the inside out. Several sweet spices, including cinnamon and cloves, can be freshly ground and added to a pet’s food to help improve digestion and eliminate body odors.

Lemon juice for pets

Lemon juice has citric acid that can be effective to get rid of the stubborn smell.

Citrus and hydrogen peroxide are two other great bases for pet cleaners. The citrus works as a natural enzymatic cleaner, and the hydrogen peroxide is another great neutralizer. But use it only for the fur.


Pet odor is not a favorable thing for you or your pet. But you do not need to rely on harsh chemicals when nature has given us so many alternatives for every problem. You can use natural ways to cure pet odor. Pet odor removal methods mentioned in this post are effective and tried. You can use any of the above methods as a pet odor eliminator.

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