Why do babies sleep so much?

Why do babies sleep so much? This is a very common question on the internet about babies. There are many other questions that people are curious about. Do the growth of babies is related to the growth of a baby? Why do babies cry so much? Do babies dream? How to calm down a crying baby? How to make a baby sleep faster? We will cover a few of the above questions in our post today.

After being a mother, the next challenging step for women is to wake up all night with a baby. Till six months, the sleeping pattern of the baby may differ. It can also differ every week. They may sleep for 17 hours a day. The stomach of a newborn baby is very small, this is the reason that they wake up every 2 hours, that is the reason why babies cry so much?. After six months, they start sleeping for 6 to 9 hours a day. Generally, babies of 1 to 2 months wake up in the night.

why do babies sleep so much?

When the baby is of three months, they need sleep of 13 hours. During this time, they sleep for 8 hours in the day. So much sleep is needed because his body is growing quickly, and his brain is developing very fast, and his nervous system works best when he’s asleep. If he does not have sufficient sleep and rest he will not grow and fretful, and when overtired will not eat his meals well. Some form of routine is good for the baby because good habits are formed which will last in him all his life.

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A baby’s brain made lots of energy as it is growing at a fast rate, so babies need to be fed responsively. It is advised to have your baby in the same room as you’re their right for sleeping for at least the first 6 months.

The beginning and end of the sleep cycle are known as active sleep which is characterized by fluttering eyelids, rapid, irregular breathing, grunts, or brief cries. Add this to see if your baby will enter another sleep cycle. If you jump to sleep soon you might find yourself waking a sleeping baby. All babies are different and have their own personalities some will sleep longer than others.

On average, a 3 to the 6-month-old baby will sleep from 8 to 17 hours in 24 hours. By three months some babies may sleep up to 5 hours at nighttime and by 5 months it could be as much as its hours. However, it is unusual for babies to sleep all night every night, and it is normal for babies to wake frequently at night.

When it gets dark, our brain releases a hormone called melatonin, which makes us feel drowsy. Your baby’s sleep is governed by the sleep cycle circadian rhythm. The sleep cycle lasts for 45 to 60 minutes, at the end of which your baby will either start another cycle or wake up. It is thought that the sleep cycle and arousal from sleep is a protective mechanism again sudden infant death syndrome.

Sleeping habits can vary from baby to baby but will begin to recognize your own baby cues over time, the cues will also change as they grow.

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They may yawn, rub their eyes, pull at their ears, becomes quieter or you may notice them frowning, pulling their hair, being less engaged and responsive, a glazed look, dropping eyes they may want to suck or feed or arch backward. However, becoming irritable and beginning to cry early are the signs that your baby has become overtired.

What can affect your baby’s sleep?


A consistent bedtime routine helps your baby tune into their natural body clock. A  good environment is very much important for your baby to reduce stress and over stimulation.

Sensory stimulation

Artificial lighting affects sleep as it stimulates your baby’s brain which reduces the effect of melatonin making it more difficult for your baby to fall asleep.

Growth and development

The excitement of learning new skills such as rolling over and another development milestone can affect your baby’s sleep pattern. Sometimes parents can mistake these night awakenings for hunger and want to wean the baby early, but this does not help your baby to sleep through.

Between 3 and 6 months, babies become aware of their own feelings and from here they start to form strong emotional attachments to you. For example, they can get upset when they wake at night, and you’re not there. This is normal and part of their development.

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Your baby will want to be close to you during the day and night, you cannot spoil your baby with your love, cuddles, and attention. Keeping your baby close releases oxytocin, known as the love hormone, in both you and your, making you both feel relaxed and calm.

If your baby is having trouble falling asleep then this may help

  • Keep a simple bedtime routine every night. Choose quiet and some activities to get your baby ready for sleep. Maintain a regular bedtime routine.
  • Put your baby to bed when drowsy but still awake. This will help teach your baby to learn to fall asleep on their own in their crib. Do not nurse or rock your baby to sleep.
  • Make daytime playtime. Read and play with your baby during the day to increase the amount of time here she’s awake. This will make your baby tired and ready for sleep at night.

Signs that your baby’s sleep is not normal

Signs of abnormal sleep include frequent awakenings, restlessness, mouth breathing, snoring, no easy breathing, long poses in breathing, and sleeping with a head extremely extended. These may be signs of sleep apnea. In the first month of life, it can be normal to see short poses in breathing followed by rapid breathing during sleep but these should be not be seen with color changes or loud noisy breathing.

How can you make sure baby sleep during the night?

  • Night-time awakenings are a normal part of your baby’s sleep cycle but they become problematic when your baby is unable to fall back asleep quickly on their own. .
  • There are a few different methods to help your baby fall asleep easily and stay asleep. You can decide what works best for you and your baby.
  • The goal of dream feeding is to reduce night-time awakening by feeding your baby at a single planned time during the night. This method can be used with babies who are of 2 months of age. It may be useful for infants older than 6 months of age when nighttime feeding is more likely for comfort than nutrition.
  • After your baby has been sleeping for 2 to 3 hours gently wake him or her up and offer him a feed. After your baby feeds place your baby back in the cradle. If he or she wakes up again during the night you may suit your baby what not to do which make them awake.
  • When your baby wakes up in the morning change his or her clothes and place them in another room before feeding.

Reasons that baby sleep more often than expected

  • Physically immaturity
  • In-effective poor feeding
  • Illness or injury
  • Having a TV in the room and other interruption
  • Caffeine in the babies routine
  • Refer to the doctor as needed

Tips for sleepy parents.

  • If the baby awakens easily right after falling asleep in someone’s arm suggest that the parent continues to hold him until he stops moving and twitching.
  • Include playing time and physical activity during the day for better sleep at night.
  • Keep the TV off or out of the room where the baby sleeps.
  • Try night lights or low lighting in areas use to care for the baby during the night. This will help both mother and baby get back to sleep more quickly once the baby is settled again. However low lighting should not be used while doing something that requires parent’s full attention search as giving medication to the baby.
  • It is suggested that the parents sleep with the baby close by so that the baby can be attended to more quickly.

Do babies dream?

During rapid eye movements sleep when we dream the brain is thought to be processing stored memory. The memorial of a newborn infant is dominated by its fetal experience. The infant is likely to dream about its life when in the womb. It has also been found that dream images are supported by the corresponding body action, using those muscles that remain active during rapid eye movement sleep. Infant death syndrome or cot death may be or result of an infant dreaming about its life as a fetus. Since the fetus does not breathe the infant may cease to breathe and may die.

This simple hypothesis is consistent with all the known facts about infant death syndrome. The infant dreaming hypothesis also offers an explanation of why all the chemo reflexes protective mechanisms that would normally awake the infant may fail simultaneously.

How would you know your baby is getting enough food and good sleep?

Your body knows how to make the right amount of breast milk. The more the baby eats, the more milk your body will make. Whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding, signs to see if the baby is getting enough to eat are:

 • Baby’s urine is pale and diluted.

• By day four, the baby should have five to six wet diapers every 24 hours and have three or more stools that are yellow (or at least turning yellow). It’s normal for a baby to lose a small amount of weight during the first few days after birth. Some pediatricians will want to check the baby’s weight one to two days after discharge. If not, be sure to get the baby weighed at one week and then every couple of weeks to make sure the baby is gaining weight well. Average weight gain is 7 to 8 ounces a week for the first four months and about 3 to 4 ounces per week after four months.

It is normal for a baby to:

 • Eat often. When a baby is firstborn, he might eat eight to 16 times every 24 hours. New-born babies must eat at least eight times every 24 hours to get enough calories for growth.

 • Not eat as often as he grows older.

 • Have irregular eating patterns. He may eat every 45 minutes and then sleep for two to three hours.

 • Eat small amounts. When baby is firstborn, he will have a small stomach and will need to eat more often than an older baby. It is normal for a baby to eat as little as a few drops up to 2 tablespoons.

 • Showing hunger signs, including waking up, turning his head towards your breast, sucking on his fingers and fists, and getting fussy.

• Let you know when their stomach is full. He will slow his sucking, press his lips together, turn his head, push away, or fall asleep.

•They swallow some air while eating, so gently rub his back to see if he needs to burp.

 • Spit up. Little spit-up is normal. The safest way for the baby to sleep, even if he spits up, is on his back. He won’t choke. It is normal for a baby.

Tips for helping baby sleep on her back

Keep naptime and bedtime the same every day. This way, the baby will get into the habit of going to sleep around the same time each day and evening.

• Watch for signs of sleepiness, like yawning or she starts rubbing her eyes. Start putting her to bed as soon as they fall sleepy. When babies are overtired, they may have a harder time falling asleep.

 • Provide a consistent night-time routine, such as giving a bath, drawing the shades, giving an infant massage, reading a story, or putting on a sleep sack.

• Plan to take a little extra time putting baby to bed. This way, you can help settle and soothe her if she startles or wakes up when placed on her back. For example, if the baby cries when laid down for sleep, instead of immediately removing her from the cradle or bassinet, try patting her softly on the chest, stroking her cheek, gently talking or singing to her, or making a shushing sound to help soothe her to sleep.

• Offer a pacifier (if breastfeeding is already well established).

 • Use a white noise machine, a white noise phone app, or even a fan to create soothing background noise while your baby is falling asleep.

• Limit night-time interactions to feeding, burping, changing, and gentle soothing; use a soft voice and keep lights dim when caring for the baby at night. While the baby sleeps during the day, don’t be afraid to make noise, such as listening to music or vacuuming.  When the baby is awake during the day, talk, sing, and play with her.

• When a baby cries at night, wait for a few seconds before picking them up. They may settle back to sleep on their own or they may only need some gentle soothing such as patting her softly on the chest or rubbing their back.

• Have others to help you so that they can get rest too.

Developing good sleep and rest routines for a baby

Settling and sleep do not always come easily, however, a positive, consistent sleep routine is central to the establishment of healthy infant sleeping behaviors. A regular routine can also help them to get benefit in parents by helping them sleep and rest regularly and by reducing negative, unsustainable settling habits.

A parent’s capacity to maintain predictable routines and to soothe is thought to be closely related to the development of good infant sleep habits in the first year of life. However, all kinds of things can limit a parent’s ability to care for their child, and we know that poor infant sleep can be a very negative experience for families.

All families will have different routines and settling techniques, and it’s important that families do what works best for them. Child and family health nurses can help parents to establish good sleep and rest routines and phase out unsustainable sleep habits by talking about what a consistent approach to settling an infant might involve. Talking to parents about how they set the mood for sleeping can be a good opportunity to give tips on the importance of reducing encouragement (dimming the lights, talking, and singing quietly) and creating a safe and nurturing environment for sleep.

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