Stretch Marks on Back: Cause, Treatment in Teens

You might have noticed small thread-like structures in your skin. These structures are called stretch marks. Stretch marks can occur due to several reasons and at several places on the body. The most common places are Stretch marks on back, Stretch marks on the thighs, arms, shoulders, legs, belly and breasts.

stretch marks on back picture

Stretch marks remedies

Stretch marks are not any kind of disorder. You do not need to spend a lot of money on stretch marks. Instead, you can opt for home remedies for stretch marks, that will help you slowly fade those stretch marks. We are mentioning some useful stretch marks remedies that you can try at home to get rid of stretch marks.

Vitamin A for Marks

Vitamin A is widely used for skin. It can help you to get more youthful and smoother skin. Most cosmetics creams use vitamin A in them. Vitamin A is giving great results in beauty products. Vitamin A can be used to fade the stretch marks. Vitamin A is capable of tightening and improving the complexion of the skin. You can use vitamin A as stretch mark remedies. You can use it by increasing vitamin A content in your diet like fish or by directly applying it at stretch marks.

But if you are pregnant, you should not use vitamin A in excess. At these stages, you should not increase vitamin A exposure.

  • Pregnant
  • Lactating
  • Trying to get pregnant

Sugar as Stretch mark remedy

Sugar is used in several parts of the world to remove dead skin cells. If you rub sugar crystal on your skin, it can help you get rid of dead skin cells. This technique gives room to newer skin cells and as a result, your skin starts glowing. You can simply make a sugar scrub to get rid of stretch marks on the back.


1/2 cup Almond Oil, 1/2 cup Sugar, A small bottle

How to make a scrub for stretch marks?

  • Take a bowl and pour 1/2 cup of sugar into it. Drop a little almond oil in it. Try to mix oil and sugar.
  • When you feel that oil is well mixed in the sugar, then drop more oil and keep repeating the steps until you find your mixture to be like wet beach sand.
  • Gently rub the mixture on your stretch marks.
  • Wash off your body with warm water or take a hot shower.
  • You need to keep the rest of the mixture in a bottle as you need to repeat this step two to three times a week

Aloe vera remedy for stretch marks

If you had ever applied aloe vera on your skin, then you already know that it tightens your skin, and it is really good for the skin glow. That is a prime reason why aloe vera is so good in stretch marks treatment. Aloe vera is helpful in lots of skin-related problems and is a major ingredient in natural beauty products.

Aloe vera can even heal your skin from burns due to its amazing healing properties.

Pure aloe vera can help you to get rid of stretch marks teenage fast.

Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks on back

Coconut is used for different kinds of beauty and healthcare benefits. Coconut oil, Coconut milk are a few parts of coconut that are used in beauty products. Coconut is also used as a shield in winters on the skin to protect it from dryness as well as it can also be used as nourishment.

It has been proven in research that Coconut oil can heal dry skin and some kinds of skin infections as well.

Research in 2015 shows that using Coconut oil and massaging it on stretch marks on a daily basis can reduce them to some extent because Coconut oil is safe to use and very cost-effective as compared to the medical methods for stretch marks.

stretch marks on back

Vitamin E oil for teenage Stretch marks

Stretch marks caused during puberty in teens can be easily cured by vitamin E oil. Vitamin E is so strong and effective that it can reduce pregnancy stretch marks as well. Vitamin E oil is safe to use and does not cause any kind of side effects. If you have stretch marks on your belly, thighs, back, and shoulders, vitamin E is a natural home remedy for you.

We know that vitamin E does not cause any side effects, but still, we are recommending that a pregnant lady should not use it during pregnancy. If you want to get rid of your stretch marks, wait at least 6 months after your delivery, and then you should go to this home remedy for stretch marks.

Egg oil for teenage stretch marks

Egg oil comes from the yolk of a chicken egg, and it has lots of healing properties. Egg oil is used in treating different kinds of skin diseases in different parts of Asia like eczema, dermatitis, chapped lips, ringworm e.t.c.

That is the major reason why egg oil can be used as an effective home remedy to get rid of stretch marks. The good thing about the use of egg oil is that it is used by pregnant women during pregnancy to reduce stretch marks. You can start using egg oil from the 8th week and if you do not find a good source of egg oil then you can make it at your home.

How to make Egg oil for stretch marks at home?

  • Take 6 six eggs and boil them at high temperature for at least 20 minutes.
  • Break the eggs, cut them, and separate the yolk from the whites.
  • Mash the egg yolks and put them in a frying pan.
  • Heat the pan at a very low heat as low as you can. This process will take a lot of time.
  • Yolk paste will start changing color. Mash again so that the heated part gets mixed easily and the rest of the mixture can be heated as well.
  • Keep mashing and heating them until the mixture is dark brown. You will smell a pungent smell, so try to cover your face and nose.
  • When the whole mixture is brown, turn off the flame and allow the mixture to cool down to room temperature naturally.
  • Use a fine cloth, cotton cloth and place the mixture in the center and make a pouch.
  • Squeeze the pouch, and you will see the oil coming out of the yolk.
  • Collect this oil and use it for stretch marks on the back.
  • Use only a glass bottle to store it.

You can use this egg oil for teenage stretch marks on the back, thighs, belly, shoulders, and other parts of the body.

Drink water to get rid of stretch marks

Drinking plenty of water is useful for several ailments. Drinking a lot of water helps you in keeping your skin young and beautiful. When you drink a lot of water, it improves the blood filtration system of your body and your blood is now carrying fewer toxic elements. That is visible on your skin later. You will not suffer from acne, rashes, wrinkles, and marks.

The habit of drinking a lot of water keeps your skin young and glowing. This habit will also help you to get rid of stretch marks. When your skin is already glowing and young as a result of lots of water intake, then your stretch marks will be less visible. With newer skin cells, they will become even lighter.

Castor Oil for Stretch Marks

Castor oil has the ability to condition, nourish, and moisturize your skin. It is full of vitamins, minerals, and omega acid which can help you in making your stretch less visible.

How to apply castor oil for stretch marks?

The way to use castor oil for stretch marks is simple. Take castor oil and apply it to the stretch marks. Massage your fingertips in a circular motion for at least 10 minutes. You might feel a slight warmth while applying, and it is natural. You need to use a cotton cloth to wrap that area. You can also use a heating pad to speed up the process. This remedy for how to get rid of stretch marks will give you results in a month, and you will see a noticeable difference.

Castor oil can also be used for pimples, acne, stretch marks, and various other skin problems.

Potato for Stretch marks on back

Potato contains a lot of starch and other useful content. Potato juice can help you in tightening the skin. You can use potato or potato juice for stretch marks. All you need is to cut a potato into thick pieces. Take one of the pieces and rub it gently on the affected area. Keep rubbing for a couple of minutes. Let that potato piece rest on your skin while the starch of that potato piece is dry, and you can repeat the process with another potato piece as well. This will help you in getting rid of stretch marks naturally.

Black Tea to get rid of stretch marks

You might not know, but black tea contains vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E, and has a good content of essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Drinking black tea is good for health, and it reduces the chances of diabetes and inflammation in your body. Black tea also helps in improving digestion. But for stretch marks, black tea has vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps you in reducing the sign of aging and reduce skin pigmentation. It also helps in skin tightening.

How to use Black tea for stretch marks?

Things that you need for this remedy for stretch marks are 2 Tbsp of black tea powder, 1 Tbsp of salt, and water.

Mix 2 tablespoons of black tea with i tablespoon of salt and boil it in 100 ml of water. Boil this solution and then let it cool on its own. Apply this solution to your stretch marks on the back, and stretch marks on the thigh, arms, shoulders, and other parts. Try this remedy for several weeks, and you will get rid of stretch marks using black tea.

Coffee as Stretch marks remedy

Coffee is an effective stretch marks remedy, and it is available in almost every home. You can prepare a DIY stretch marks remedy from coffee at home easily.

How to make a stretch marks remedy with coffee?

  • Take ground coffee and grind it using a blender or a food processor. If you have coffee powder instead, you can use it as well.
  • Add aloe vera gel to this and keep grinding it until it mixes well.
  • Apply this paste to your stretch marks and rub it with your fingertips.
  • Keep the paste on your face for 15-20 minutes
  • Wash it off with luke warm water.
  • Apply moisturizer to your stretch marks after using this solution.

Repeat this process at least thrice a week, and you will see a noticeable difference by using this how to get rid of stretch marks solution?

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