The home remedies to treat stomach ulcers can allow you to alleviate the discomfort and pain, and to stay clear of the negative unwanted side effects that are often associated with the standard treatment for ulcers. Here are 7 methods to treat ulcers at the comfort of your own home.
Stomach ulcers, often known as gastric, duodenal, or peptic ulcers, are tiny open, painful ulcers within the duodenal or stomach the duodenal lining. They can be found in the following ways:
The lining of your stomach is covered by a layer of mucus that is protective. The mucus shields your stomach tissues from being digested by stomach acid. If the quantity of mucus in your stomach is decreased the acidity in your stomach could harm the stomach liner.
Stomach ulcers are the result of or an infection caused by the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori or an extended usage of aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.
The stress, alcohol, cigarettes and spicy foods although not the primary causes of ulcers, can cause the condition worse.
The most commonly reported signs of ulcers are stomach discomfort, heartburn, the feeling like fullness or bloating the sensation of belching vomiting and intolerant to fatty foods.
In certain cases untreated ulcers may progress to internal bleeding and perforation inflammation and obstruction to the digestive system. To avoid all of this, make sure you consult your physician and follow the instructions and treatments that he prescribes.
The conventional anti-ulcer treatment is often associated with adverse effects like abdomen pain, headaches, nausea as well as diarrhea. This is the reason why so many doctors and patients are working to slow down the symptoms and progression of ulcers with natural treatments.
Here are the seven best food items that can be used in the home as remedies for ulcers
7 Home Remedies to Help Stomach Ulcers
1. Probiotics
Probiotics are, in essence good bacteria that fight the bad bacteria that are present within your digestive tract and helps create an equilibrium. Live microorganisms help support gut health, boost your immunity , and may even enhance your mood and mental well-being.
If we are talking about stomach ulcers, despite the fact that they aren’t able to cause death to Helicobacter Pylori, probiotics could drastically reduce the amount of the stomach-based bacteria. They also boost in the creation of mucus, which shields your stomach and stops the development of ulcers in the first place.
Probiotics are found in buttermilk, yogurt, kefir sauerkraut and miso, the kimchi, etc. It is also possible to take probiotic supplements.
2. Flavonoids
Flavonoids are polyphenols present in a variety of fruits and vegetables. They are beneficial to the digestive system and the entire body. They also work as antioxidants.
Flavonoids ease many digestive issues, like spasms and diarrhea. They increase saliva production, and aid in fighting Helicobacter pylori.
It is possible to supplement your diet with flavonoid compounds or obtain flavonoids by eating foods like fruit, berries, apples citrus cherries, nuts broccoli Kale and red grapes. Also green tea, soybeans etc.
3. Cabbage juice
There are many good reasons cabbage juice is beneficial for your entire body. One of the main benefits is the fact that it improves the health of your stomach.
Cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C as well as other antioxidants that may combat the diseases caused by Helicobacter Pylori, a bacteria. There are numerous evidences to suggest that cabbage’s effectiveness is higher for treating ulcers, than traditional treatment options.
Drinking the juice of a cabbage on a regular basis helps to lose weight, lowers inflammation, detoxifies the body, regulates hormones, helps prevent stomach ulcers and boosts gut overall health.
For the preparation of juices, you need to boil 450ml of water. Blend it in the blender, and add three cups chopped cabbage. Blend for two minutes, and then for 10 seconds more on high speed.
Put the mix in a container and seal and let it rest in a cool place for three days. After that filter this mixture. Drink it frequently throughout the every day.
But, even though cabbage juice is among the most effective remedies at home for ulcers, you must consult your physician prior to making use of it frequently. In large quantities it can cause problems for the thyroid. It may be a trigger for certain medications.
4. Honey
Another reason to incorporate honey to your tea. Honey provides a strong, antioxidant and protective properties for the entire body. Additionally, its regenerative qualities can accelerate the healing process of wounds.
Honey can also be an antimicrobial substance that means it is able to fight off viruses and unwelcome bacteria, such as H. Pylori. It is recommended to use it to prevent but it may aid in relieving symptoms of ulcers that have developed.
Honey can also be applied topically to treat skin ulcers and numerous other skin ailments.
5. Turmeric
Turmeric is a well-known yellowish spice which has recently been linked with numerous health benefits. Curcumin, its active compound, has natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it helps in treating stomach ulcers.
Turmeric can increase the amount of mucus that is released from the stomach. It shields the stomach’s from damage caused by H. Pylori bacteria infections could cause. It is also a great way to enhance the liver’s function and digestion.
It is possible to use turmeric as a spice for your meals or drink turmeric tea to help prevent stomach ulcers. But, if you’re trying to treat ulcers already present it may be difficult to get enough turmeric into your food. Instead, talk to your physician regarding taking supplements with turmeric.
6. Garlic
Garlic is a potent antioxidant with anti-microbial and healing properties. These can aid in both the prevention and treatment of ulcers. There are evidence-based proofs to eat two cloves a daily for three weeks can aid in getting rid of H. Pylori infections and accelerate the healing process of ulcers.
Another method of using garlic to treat ulcers is mixing the garlic with honey. It is all you need to do is chop two or three cloves of garlic and mix it in with about two teaspoons of fresh natural honey.
7. Ginger
Ginger is among the most sought-after home remedies to treat ulcers along with a myriad of other gastrointestinal disorders. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial qualities.
There are several (though not enough) studies that demonstrate the positive effects of ginger on the healing of stomach ulcers. But, there are indications that ginger could enhance the digestive juices that are in the stomach, which can make ulcers get worse.
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