How to get rid of Whiteheads on Nose and Chin

Whiteheads are a very common problem. In fact, acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. Everyone has whiteheads at any age of life. However, teenagers and young adults tend to be more prone to breakouts than other ages. How to get rid of Whiteheads on nose naturally.

Although the reason for these remains unclear, changing hormone levels and excess oil production likely play a role. It is a misconception that acne is the result of poor hygiene.

Spotless face after removal of whiteheads on nose

Over 40 million people in the United States battle acne each year and no matter the degree or severity, the majority of people who suffer from acne deal with the occasional whitehead.

Whiteheads can range in size, sometimes being so small they’re virtually invisible or growing more significant into noticeable acne blemishes. They generally aren’t painful, but they aren’t fun to look at.  

So let’s discuss whiteheads, their symptoms, possible factors that are responsible for whiteheads, possible risk factors if it left to be untreated, and in the end, we will discuss some tips that can be effective to get rid of stubborn whiteheads and some home proven and used home remedies.

What are whiteheads?

Whiteheads are a common form of acne. It is small in size, round and white bumps appear on the skin’s surface. Whitehead comes under the category of “non-inflammatory acne”.

Non-inflammatory acne breakouts, including whiteheads, may heal and resolve on their own. Treating them can help speed the process and prevent new breakouts. Whiteheads can range in size, sometimes being so small they’re virtually invisible or growing more significant into noticeable acne blemishes.

For mild breakouts, over-the-counter products are often effective.

If whiteheads persist after eight weeks of self-treatment, then they could be formed severely. While acne is a cosmetic problem, it can cause other issues as well. When it becomes severe or persistent, people can suffer from low self-esteem and other emotional difficulties.

NOTE:- Trying to remove whiteheads yourself can worsen breakouts by causing irritation and leading to scarring.

Alternative name

Closed comedo, Acne vulgaris.

Common places in the human body

Whiteheads on the nose, Whiteheads on the cheek, forehead, and face, Whiteheads on the chin are most common. They can also appear on the back, shoulders, and chest.

Symptoms of whiteheads

This type of acne occurs when a pore becomes clogged with sebum, dead skin cells, and debris.

If this clogged pore is covered with a thin layer of skin, it appears white on its surface.

There are the following common symptoms of whiteheads;-

  • Usually flesh-colored pimples that are raised and have a white top.  
  • Pus (debris) in the white tip of bumps.
  • Redness around the whiteheads
  • Irritation around the whiteheads
  • Pain around the whiteheads
  • Tenderness around the whiteheads

Causes of whiteheads

The more you know about what’s causing your whiteheads, the better you’ll be at preventing them from popping up.

Whiteheads occur when skin pores clog with oil, dead skin, and debris. The pore seals at the top, allowing dead cells and debris to collect at the tip of the pore.

It is not entirely clear why skin pores clog in acne. Experts believe several following factors play a role;-

Clogged pores 

Hair follicles and out through the pores in the skin. When sebum, skins cells, and bacteria clog the follicles, the sebum can’t escape through the pores, which causes acne.

Hormonal changes

Androgens are hormones that increase in boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormone changes during midlife, particularly in women, can lead to breakouts too.

Many women may find that pregnancy causes fluctuations in hormones (generally around six weeks) that result in an increase of acne blemishes. Many women also find that the appearance of whiteheads and other forms of acne worsens during their menstrual cycle. As estrogen decreases, progesterone levels increase, signaling the glands to produce more oil. As you enter early adulthood, those hormones may decrease enough that acne will start to disappear. For about 40% of women, acne may continue into their 40s because of hormonal changes.


It is one of the most common and important factors that are responsible for whiteheads. When a young person begins puberty, the brain releases a GnRH hormone, which in turn signals the pituitary gland to release two additional hormones known as androgens.

These hormones tell the oil glands found beneath the skin to produce more oil, also known as sebum. As excess sebum fills up the pores, the skin is unable to completely expel dead skin cells and bacteria, and this can result in blocked follicles that become acne blemishes. Puberty occurs at different ages for boys and girls. Girls generally begin puberty at age 11, but cases of girls as young as 6 and 7 have been reported. Boys begin puberty as early as age 9, but on average, puberty for boys begins at age 12. Boys may suffer from puberty-related acne for longer than girls.


If your parents or siblings have experienced a lot of whiteheads, chances are good that you will as well. A 2006 study suggests genetics can play a role in some kinds of acne, such as whiteheads. Parents with a history of acne are likely to have children who struggle with the same skin condition. Multiple studies have found a strong correlation between genes and acne prevalence, however, similar lifestyle habits found within families may have a bearing on the appearance of skin blemishes and conditions.

Genes may determine how sensitive your skin is, and how sensitive you are to hormonal changes.  Genetics can also impact your inflammatory response. Some genes may respond to bacteria with a stronger inflammatory reaction than others, which could have an effect on the severity of acne.


There has been no clear answer on how stress exactly promotes the formation of pimples. Scientists have found that cells that produce sebum do contain receptors for stress hormones. Some studies have also found a link between stress and increased acne. If you’re feeling particularly anxious and stressed out, and you’ve noticed a few extra whiteheads coming out to play, it could be your body’s response to emotional turmoil.   

When someone who suffers from acne is under heightened stress, these oil-producing cells are unregulated, resulting in excess sebum and a higher chance of pore blockage that could lead to breakouts, including whiteheads, cystic acne, and other types of pimples.

While no clear study has confirmed this conjecture, studies have repeatedly observed that times of high stress have seen those with acne deal with more frequent, more intense breakouts. Stress can also result in a vicious cycle, those who are anxious may pick at their skin, worsening a pre-existing acne condition. These pimples may become infected, and cause more stress, feeding into the picking habit.

Certain food and diet

Some studies suggest there is a link between the food we eat and acne. It is very difficult to study the role of diet and acne.  Some studies have shown benefits in acne from a low-glycaemic, low-protein, low-fat, and low-dairy diet. The reasons for these benefits are thought to relate to the effects of these foods on insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).  

Environmental factors and habits

Personal habits may also worsen the presence of acne and whiteheads. High humidity causes swelling of the skin. Cosmetics, especially certain moisturizers, foundation and pomades. Watch out for products that contain lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol, and oleic acid. Pressure from headbands and chin straps (e.g., “fiddler’s neck”, a condition seen in violin or viola players, where continual pressure from the violin against the neck causes skin irritation).

Myths about whiteheads

It is estimated that 80 percent of all people will have an acne breakout at some point in their lives.

There are the following myths that are very common among people;-

  • Only teenagers get whiteheads
  • Whiteheads and all type of acne can be caused by dust and dirt.
  • Fat prone diet can be a factor of whiteheads
  • If you are already got whiteheads, then eating chocolate can be like rubbing salt in the wound.
  • Popping pimples delay the effect of treatment on whiteheads.
  • Ultraviolet rays can help you to get rid of stubborn whiteheads.

Risk factors

There are the following risk factors that are responsible to make worsen the situation;-

  • Carbohydrate rich diet
  • Family history of whiteheads
  • Taking some medications like;- corticosteroids, lithium and phenytoin.
  • Greasy or oily skin products, cleansers, cosmetics or creams,

Tips to prevent whiteheads

It is not always easy to prevent whiteheads, however, you may be able to reduce breakout triggers by following easy tips;-

  • Don’t squeeze or pop
  • Quit smoking and other opiates
  • Wash your face daily
  • Use cosmetics that has benzoyl peroxide
  • Don’t scrub your face or effected area too hard
  • Use mild cleanser
  • Don’t wear tight clothes in summers
a lady applying a solution of how to get rid of whiteheads

Home remedies for whiteheads

There are the following common home remedies that can be too effective for whiteheads;-

Aloe Vera for whiteheads on Nose

Aloe vera gel can work wonders on your skin. Apart from its cleansing properties,  it has an antibacterial property that hinders the growth of bacteria in the skin.

How to use Aloe Vera

Apply Aloe Vera gel on affected areas and keep it there.


Apply this medication for whiteheads twice a day

How to get rid of whiteheads by tea tree oil

Rich in antibacterial properties, it kills off the acne-causing bacteria. It also acts as an astringent to reduce excess oil on your skin. It removes dead skin cells and fights acne and helps get rid of whiteheads.  

How to use tea tree oil

There are many cleansers that are made from tea tree oil.

Toothpaste for Whiteheads on nose and chin

Unexpected? You saw right, yes toothpaste can also be effective to get rid of stubborn whiteheads. Certain medications like;- hydrogen peroxide  

Have a drying effect on the skin, that shrinks the whiteheads.

How to use toothpaste

Apply a tiny amount of toothpaste to whiteheads and leave it to dry. After some time, wipe it with a cotton ball that is already dipped in warm water.

Strawberry for whiteheads

Rich in salicylic acid (the most common cure for acne), strawberries can treat whiteheads effectively. Strawberries help get rid of dead skin cells, unblock your pores, and prevent them from clogging up. They also protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays and sun damage.

How to use strawberry

Blend together a few strawberries and honey and apply the mixture to the affected areas of your skin. Leave it on for around 20 minutes and wash it afterward.  


Do this twice a week.

Cinnamon on Whiteheads

It has antimicrobial properties and skin regenerating properties and has been widely used in beauty regimens.

How to use cinnamon

Make a mask by mixing cinnamon, baking soda, and lemon juice. Apply it to your face. Let it dry and then wash it off using lukewarm water.

How to get rid of Whiteheads by Gram flour

This is one of the most traditionally used skincare ingredients used for ages. This magnificent gram flour is renowned for exfoliating and deep cleansing properties. It helps remove dead skin cells and unclog the pores and absorb excess sebum.  

How to use gram flour

Make a paste of gram flour and curd. Smear it evenly all over your face, leave it until it dries, and washes it afterward.  


Two times a week

Turmeric powder with neem on Whiteheads

Both these ingredients which are known for their antiseptic properties have been used since time immemorial when it comes to skincare.

How to use turmeric powder and neem

Mix crushed neem leaves and turmeric powder and make a paste adding some water. Now apply this paste all over your face. Once it dries up, wash it off.

Apple cider vinegar for Whiteheads

Rich in antiseptic and antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar is a powerhouse of acne remedies. It also helps maintain the pH balance of your skin, making it hard for bacteria to thrive. It is also an astringent and helps remove excess oil from your skin.

How to use apple cider vinegar

Dip a clean ball of cotton into a diluted vinegar solution and apply it to the affected areas of your skin. Leave for 10 minutes or overnight, and wash your face thoroughly afterward.

Lemon juice as whiteheads remedy

Rich in ascorbic acid, lemon juice can help reduce whiteheads. It is also rich in many useful minerals. It can dry up your skin by curbing the excess sebum secretion and this does the magic of reducing whiteheads.

How to use lemon juice

Extract the juice of a lemon into a small bowl and apply it to the affected areas of your skin using a piece of clean cotton.  

Baking soda as Whiteheads Remedy

It exfoliates your skin and helps get rid of dead skin cells. It also maintains the pH balance of your skin.

How to use baking soda

Use a clean cotton swab to gently apply a dilute solution of baking soda on the affected areas of your skin. Do not panic if in case you experience a slight tingling sensation.

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