A nail is a claw plate at the tip of the fingers and toes in most primates. It comprises highly specialized epithelial cells. Nail growth is a fashion statement these days. These nail growth remedies will surely help you when it comes to beautiful nails.
In women’s when it comes to beauty, nails are one of the most important parts. Long and beautiful nails are the desire of almost all women because long nails enhance beauty. Many times while growing nails, they start breaking. This is because of excessive moisture. Moisture can cause nails to become weak and brittle. Long-term exposure can cause the skin around the nails to be soft. The nail itself becomes brittle, making it easier to bend or split.

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Overexposure to moisture can occur during dishes, washing hands, or repeated nail polish use. Also, iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiency causes of cracked nails. The body also requires proteins and vitamin B to effectively build strong, healthy nails. We should also note that nails only look beautiful when it is strong. Most of the women neglect their nails and due to this their nails become weak and start breaking and their growth stops.
Keeping your nails in a good condition is also important. Today we will see some home remedies for nail growth that are essential for making our nails strong and long.
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Symptoms of weak nails
- White marks on nails
- Yellow nails
- Red blots on your nails
Nail Growth Remedies.
DIY Garlic serum for Nail Growth
Garlic contains selenium, which not only increases the growth of nails but also doesn’t allow them to break.
- Take two garlic and cut them into small pieces.
- Mix it with coconut oil.
- Keep this paste for a night and then apply the next day.
- Fill this paste in a bottle.
Apply this serum before going to bed.
How to apply garlic serum for nails?
Take a few drops of this garlic serum and rub it on your nails. Massage it for 2 minutes. This you have to follow until your nails grow. For better results, you have to use this every day. Also, after using it for some days, you will realize that your nails are getting stronger. This is one of the best environmentally friendly paste. Also, it is filled with fatty acids, antioxidants in a proper amount.
Nail Hacks with Orange juice
Orange juice is an easy way to increase the growth of your nails. Oranges contain vitamin C which helps the nails to increase.
How to apply Orange juice on nails?
To make this, take one bowl and pour the orange juice into it. Put your fingers in that bowl for 10 minutes. Do this twice a day.
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Lemon Remedy for Nail growth
Lemon contains vitamin C which is very beneficial for the growth of nails. Lemon not only makes your nails grow, but it also removes the white stains.
How to use lemon for beautiful nails?
Take half lemon and rub it into your nails and then wash it with warm water.
Oregano oil nail growth
It has an essential antifungal property that helps in killing nail fungus. Oregano is one of the major ingredients in nail growth oil beauty products.
How to make a DIY nail growth solution with Oregano?
For this, you will need a half spoon of coconut oil. Also, add oregano oil to it. Apply this oil to the nails which have stopped growing. It also has an antibacterial property.
Nail growth tips with White Vinegar
White vinegar is one of the best remedies for nail fungi because it violates the infection and stores PH. One part of white vinegar with two parts of warm water. Doctor infected nail in this solution for 10 to 15 minutes. Also, apple cider vinegar has an antifungal treatment.
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Honey nail solution
Honey helps fight bacterial and fungal growth and can help your cuticles be nourished and supple. You might be knowing honey only as a face pack. But its properties are far better. You can use honey for beautiful nails as well.
How to use honey for beautiful nails?
Take a bowl and drop a tablespoon of honey into it. Mix a glass of water into this and dilute the honey. Wash your nails with this solution for 10 minutes. After that, wash it from your nails with slightly;y warm water.
Vitamin E for Nails
If you have bad nail health or your nail is not growing. In order to prevent this, you all need is a vitamin E capsule. You can also use vitamin E oil for the same. Take the vitamin E oil, massage your nails for 5 minutes. Do this twice a day. After a few days, you start seeing the result.
Eat dry fruits and salad for beautiful nails
According to doctors, somehow nails are directly connected to your diet. Dry fruit and salad have a major role in the growth of the nails. It gives overall nourishment to your body and makes your nails healthy and shinier.
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Milk and egg nail solution
Milk and egg both are responsible for making your bones strong. It also helps in the growth of nails.
How to use milk and egg for beautiful nails?
Take a bowl with only the white part of a single egg and add milk to it. Mix it well. Soak your hands for 5 minutes in this mixture. Use this method two to three times a week. After the use of a few days, you will see that your nails are becoming strong and healthy.
Use Glycerine for nail growth
If you have hard nails, take a bowl with a look of lukewarm water, add 5 to 6 drops of glycerine. Soak your hands in the bowl for about 5 to 10 minutes. Use this twice a day. You will see that your nails become softer and easier to cut.
Beauty Hacks to keep your nails safe
Use a moisturizer on a regular basis.
Use sharp manicure scissor clippers.
Keep your nails clean. If your nails are dirty you have more risk to get infected. Due to dirty hands, you can have coronavirus, cough, and cold.
Stop biting your nails. Your teeth are also in danger when you are biting as many times as you will get a crack, so you can also have come related problems. Also, many diseases start from our hands, and we take our hands to the mouth, the risk of getting sick becomes high.
Avoid these for beautiful nails
Never remove your nail polish with a blade or pointed things. Remove them only with good-quality removers. After cleaning your nails with a remover, do not instantly use another nail polish. Give some time to them so that they could breathe.
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During washing clothes, cutting vegetables, washing dishes your nails get weakened and start breaking. So use a mild soap so that your nails are safe. You can also use gloves.
Cut your nails with a nail cutter. Do not use a knife cut your nails.
If you have a habit of biting nails you should stop it as soon as possible.
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